Around 4,000 women have a particular “procedure” performed every day in
88% of abortions occur in the first trimester, before the thirteenth week. 1.3 million babies are aborted every year. [1] Almost 50,000,000 unborn babies have been killed since the legalization of abortion in 1973.[2] That is 8x the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust.[3]
60x the number of dead in the
And it is 42x the number of men and women lost in the Civil, World, Korean,
Life ends for an unborn child every 21 seconds.[6] That means that every ten minutes, 28 babies die of an abortion.[7] This is genocide.
[1] Abort73 <http://www.abort73.com/HTML/I-G-2-testimony.html> (accessed 22 October 2007)
[2]Movement for a Better America <http://www.movementforabetteramerica.org/> (accessed 31 October 2007)
[3] 6,000,000 Jews were killed during the Holocaust.
Jewish Virtual Library <http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/history.html> (accessed 27 October 2007)
United Human Rights Council <http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/genocide_in_rwanda.htm> (accessed 22 October 2007)
[5] Civil War: 498,332 dead
World War 1: 116,708 dead
World War 2: 407,316 dead
Korean War: 54,246 dead
Vietnam War: 58,655 dead
Persian Gulf War: 372 dead
information from Pro-life flyer from the North Carolina Right to Life, Inc., published by Heritage House ’76, Inc. Flyer titled: “American War Casualties”
Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom: 3,386 dead
U.S. Department of Defense <http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1189> (accessed 27 October 2007)
4,000 unborn die a day: 1440x4000=0.36 (unborn die per minute)
60 seconds in a minute: 0.36x60=21.6 (seconds between the death of the unborn)
[7] 60 seconds in a minute; 10 minutes in the speech: 60x10=600 (seconds in 10 minutes)
21.6 (seconds between the death of the unborn)
600/21.6=27.8 (unborn babies that die in 10 minutes time)
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