Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What Does This Mean?

Over the past week and a half we've seen that size does not equal value, level of awareness does not make someone more or less human, where you are has no bearing on who you are, and degree of dependency does not affect personhood.

The end result of this is that the most common arguments for abortion are defeated, and we see that the unborn is human. As humans their life needs to be respected. Abortion is not the way to go about "getting rid of your problem." There are many couples in the world who want to have children but are unable to. Adoption is a great way to give your child life, and save yourself a lot of heartache, while fulfilling the dream of someone else. You have a choice. Choose life.

For more information visit
Life Training Institute: prolifetraining.com
Stand to Reason: str.org

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