Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Philosophy of the Unborn

Previously, I presented a scientific case for the humanity and the life of the unborn. Today, I'm going to show four non-essential differences between the unborn and us. There is an acronym for these non-essential differences: SLED.

  • Size.
Many say "the unborn is smaller than we are so we can kill it." Well, using that logic, next time someone larger than you comes along they have the right to kill you. Size does not equal value.

  • Level of Development.
Self-awareness does not make one human. A 14 year old is more self aware than a 4 year old, but not more valuable. A 4o year old, is not more valuable than that same 14 year old, even though he may be more self aware. In the same way a 4 week old from conception is still valuable even if not very self aware.

  • Environment.
Do you change in nature if you walk across the street? Go to another country? Visit outer space? Of course not! So why would 8 inches down a birth canal suddenly make one human? It doesn't. Where you are has no bearing on who you are.

  • Degree of dependency.
"Well, the unborn is dependent upon it's mother for nutrition." Well, so are minors dependent on their parents or guardians, and the elderly often dependent on their children. Or diabetics dependent on insulin. Dependency on someone or something does not make one less human or un-human.

The unborn are human. As humans their life needs to be respected. Abortion is not the way to go about "getting rid of your problem." There are many couples in the world who want to have children but are unable to. Adoption is a great way to give your child life, and save yourself a lot of heartache, while fulfilling the dream of someone else. You have a choice. Choose life.

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